Try new activities
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If you’re suffering, consider finding an outlet. Getting involved in new activities can help you make new friends and start a new chapter in your life.
crowdsourced tips
Try joining a team. It’s a great way to experience camaraderie and can help you feel more connected to other people.
If you are isolated at school, try new activities, like joining an after school club. You’ll meet new people, which could lead to healthy, fun, and enriching friendships.
One way to try new activities is to get a job. It can give you a new outlet, new friends, and helpful life skills.
Think about ways to feel your best—and your strongest. Physical health is incredibly important to your mental health. If you’re not feeling great, consider exercising to give yourself a mental and physical boost.
Bullying can get to you when you have nothing else to think about. Fill up your time with clubs, events, and activities and you won’t have time to care about mean people, because you’re too busy living!
Dedicate yourself to what matters to you. Focus your energy on the things you love to do. In exploring your passions, you can block the negativity out of your life and give yourself a sense of purpose.