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A sincere apology helps both the giver and the receiver. If you’ve said or done things you regret, acknowledging the hurtfulness of your actions can make a big difference in how you both feel.
crowdsourced tips
Making a sincere apology feels great. It takes courage but once you do it you can feel immediate relief.
When you apologize, avoid making excuses. Acknowledge your mistake and the effect it had.
Speak from the heart and ask if there’s something you can do to make up for what you’ve done.
If you’re still angry or upset, it’s best to wait before apologizing. Take a moment to calm down so you can make a sincere apology. Think about what you did from the other person’s perspective so you can see the hurtfulness of your actions and decide what to say.
You don’t always have to apologize in person. You can send a heartfelt email or a handwritten letter. The most important thing is to get the message across in a sincere way.
Saying “I’m sorry that” is always better than “I’m sorry if” or “I’m sorry but.”
Consider phrases like, “Sorry, that was offensive. I didn’t mean it to be,” or “I’m sorry I did that to you. I feel terrible about what happened.”