Verbal Bullying
How can students prevent verbal bullying and lessen its effects?
level: Elementary School
Bystander Revolution | It Only Takes One
discussion questions
  • Why do some people make fun of others or call them hurtful names?
  • Why is it important to say something when people use language you believe is hurtful?
  • Is it easier for the person who’s being bullied or the people who see it happening to stop verbal bullying? Why?
  • What are examples of things you could say to someone who verbally bullies others or uses offensive language, like racist slurs?
  • Can you give an example of how you might help prevent verbal bullying from happening in the first place?
  • Why is it important to go up to someone after they’ve been bullied and show them kindness?
  • What are examples of things you can say to someone after they’ve been verbally bullied?
  • If you are being verbally bullied, do you think you should try to ignore what people are saying?
  • Can liking the things that make you different make negative words hurt less?